Friday, October 13, 2017

When you find yourself lost, as your home got devastated and too wounded to let you back in....

before Maria
Imagine a situation where you do not know, where to go next. What move to make next. Your planned move is not doable anymore as circumstances got in the way and force you to a different direction....which direction?

This year I experienced this feeling many times. However now in the month of October I feel the real pain of it. October is my usual month every year to start my winter season in the tropics. Since last October in 2016 I start my winter season in my favorite place: Dominica, W.I. I started last year, not this one.

Dominica just got devastated by the hurricane Maria. This monster storm turned my home of heart, my green jungle paradise and deep sea coral diving paradise into a brown, severly wounded rock in the middle of the West Indian island chain at the East edge of the Caribbean sea.

before and after Maria
In the name of Maria, climate change had sent us a storm of the highest magnitude possible - a hurricane with more than category 5. This cold blooded blender blew, sucked out and ripped off leaves and trees, bursted and broke buildings, vehicles, entire landscapes and the topography of lovely Dominica, even killed nearly 100 people (real number is still unknown) and broke about 73.000 hearts - ours, the hearts of the residents and citizens of Dominica.

I am just a new resident of this beautiful country, who was priviledged to be able to set up my business a year ago and who experienced an unforgettable wonderful time on the island while the last season. In this life I might not have been born and raised in Dominica, however love this country like I was an original native Dominican.

Green Dominica - with its Morne Trois Pitons National park listed as UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE - turned over night into a mostly brown broken piece of rock. Still an unknown number of people left their lives that night, plus 95% of the rainforest is severly damaged up to its roots as well as 95% of the houses are at least roofless, severly damaged or not existing anymore. Dominica has turned into a place beyond wild origin in only one night - the night of September 18 to September 19, 2017. Now Nature Island is appearing as big wound showing us the impact of humankinds ignorance.

After I was able to experience my beautiful start at my new home coutry last October til May 2017, I am now crying from the inside everyday for the loss of this outstanding Nature Island scenery. My soul wants to return to its mother land - the nature and waters of this Caribbean paradise Dominica. I am called to return, but I cannot go there to live yet.

Dominica now is facing a process of rebirthing, pure survival mode, rebuilding houses to live, replanting agriculture, rebirthing existences and transforming the island into a new zone of independence, happiness and abundance. Once trees get green again, hope is coming back and the climate will change back into a livable one. Right now Dominica appears worse than most warzones. This is what soldiers from all over the world stated, after they stepped on the island and moved around to distribute supplies to the people and providing safety. They "have never seen something like that before - not even in real war zones" is one quotation.

Because mankind apparently might have managed to create such a storm, that was able to devastate and destroy this natural paradise within a single night, the people of Dominica lost their existences to make their living. This single night of September 18 to 19, 2017 was a virgo night. Maria appeared as a very angry god's mother in the zodiac sign of a very penetrating virgo. Like virgo style it did a total job within just merciless 12 hours on the entire island of Dominica. As I am virgo myself, I started to think about the pushy side, virgos can have once awakened. Maria was more than pushy. It wanted to give a statement. The name of Maria was well chosen - Maria means the lover of god, the irrepressible one, the bitter one and the star of the sea. So who would still wounder about the destructive power of that accurate lady, that chose to sweep this stunning rainforest paradise just away?

The Resiliants of Dominica rebuilding
Its said, that meanwhile over 20.000 citizens of Dominica left their country as they cannot take the damage and the situation of having not enough food and water. Also we expats either left or did not return for the winter season like myself. We now are united with broken hearts, crying for the loss of so much natural beauty, which is getting rarer and rarer in the world. Dominica has a very precious eco system and attracted lots of nature lovers, healers and people who create an independent natural lifestyle as well as people who just want to live authentic and be themselves. Dominicans mostly combine these attributes plus they appear kind, warm, welcoming to us coming from technique driven, spoiled industrial profit making living zones, which I myself cannot stand any longer. I choose to make a change in the world and started in Dominica. Right now I am wondering why this happened to such an island, which could be one of the best role models for a world, that smothers behind its fake face of pseudo importance.

There are different voices about beliefs - local voices saying it happened because of the dark side of this place. The wicked, greedy, hateful side of humans apparently living there, who are supposed to be punished to be reminded to change behaviour and cooperate instead of backstab. There are other voices pointing on climate change, that affects tropical regions quite obviously before it really affects us in Europe much. On an island like Dominica, such a hurricane hits the people badly. Take Barbuda as example: After Irma, this country needed to be evacuated entirely. It had turned into a non livable zone.

How does this feel to you? Your beloved home is gone over night and you have to leave for good, not knowing if you will be able to return one day, not being able to carry much, as most is gone through natural disaster anyway.

Well, I have to say: this development of natural disasters has to be addressed. The example of Dominica has to be addressed to the world, just as Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit did before the UN parliament the very next days after Maria passed. The ones knowing Dominica with its outstanding rich nature, know about the importance to do anything to transform it back into a green island prospering from its natural wealth.

If the island might have its dark side or not - any place does have a dark side, any human being does have a dark side - at the same time it is a wonderful example of how rich life can be through just living in nature, with nature and in the rhythm of nature. I myself came there as my heart chose Dominica as home. Over the years I could watch myself just following my natural calling. And the ones who know me for years, are aware of my journey around the globe, before I decided to settle in Dominica to offer my work and purpose of being. This island provided all I needed and was looking for and more than that, it was and still is the place, my heart is calling me to.

So it happened, that I moved last year to Soufriere, South West of Dominica, to start my work as freediving instructor and relaxation coach as well as aquatic therapist and psychological counselor.

As I am specialized in relaxation and the release of emotional blockages avoiding deep relaxation and sustainable health, I take my receivers into their origin: body warm water, that we all know from our first months in our mom's womb.

Therefore I work mainly in water - the warm water of the plenty of hot spring pools in Dominica. This stunning jungle all around me provided the best scenery and environment while I was helping receivers to activate their own natural healing abilities from inside. Surrounded by pure natural beauty, you get the picture, you can let go any block inside and start heal your inner wounds. The location is just a reflection of the womb environment, where we feel naturally protected and abundant.

So Dominica is my ground to work and make people understand, what life is about: to live connected with yourself, to be your natural self and accept your natural rhythm and therefore live the rhythm of nature. It means to listen entirely to and follow your heart to get in a natural life mode in order to maintain your health and happiness sustainably plus spreading the approach to infect your loved ones. If we all would connect, the world would be healing fast and we had not conflicts such as wars as well as a decrease of natural disasters.

At the end of the day this is how we create peace and abundance - by starting to work on ourselves and remove all inner emotional "dirt", limiting beliefs and toxic experiences of our life times to get reborn each time and become a most possible loving human being to ourselves and to any other person and creature on the planet.

How else we want to achieve peace and a change towards a decline of these drastic signs of climate change, people in Dominica and other places only this year had to experience?

So here I am, not even close to be affected as much as most Dominicans and expats that lived there for so long, but full of grief like everyone in this situation, asking myself, what to do about it?

Wotten Waven spring pool valley desolated
Turn the grief into positive action and change. Change my own plans and schedule and adapt the new situation. Dominica has to shine again and will rebirth into a more beautiful island that hopefully has learned its lesson towards a cooperating manner in between people to become even a good example in mankind ways to the world. Dominica will rise as nature is strong. Trees already are turning back green, places are being cleaning up and people are getting more and more relief slowly, even if many did not get any up to now, after one month after hurricane Maria. What I admire most with these Dominicans is the way, they take this impact on their lives: with resiliance.

If you have just an idea of resiliance, just come and see one day, what this means to these people. They just stood up the very next morning and embraced their lives and each other plus started to rebuild right away. I have not seen such a fast action after such a huge disaster like on this island.

As I love the place and its people so much, I united with friends to collect donations for feeding the people I know in Soufriere and making sure, they are alright. For over 3 weeks now I am supporting this through Martinique, where my friends are going by own organized fishing boats to Soufriere to safe lives.

Soufriere - from paradise to desert
Soufriere is where I am with my heart and business and where I spent my past winter season. What you see in the picture, is a former green abundant valley - turned into a dry desert within hours. This place has everything: hot springs, fruit trees, green coverd mountains, a river, a coral sea just in front, warm people and music in the blood. People who welcome you and share their lives with you. People who open up to you and be happy with you. Now its time to give back for me and for everyone else who feels the call in the heart.

If you are feeling, you want to share what you have and support the people, being affected from climate change, that is mainly co created by the waste of our industrial nations, you are more than welcome to donate to Soufriere, Dominica, through either posting money via paypal to or simply email me and ask further informations about opportunities.

Thank you for caring and sharing your wealth with the beaten up ones in Dominica. ONE LOVE!

(Note: pictures are taken from recent fb posts related to Hurricane Maria information. Thank you to all for sharing your pics)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How does one determine their progress on the spiritual path? by Sadhguru

Why we are suffering in life? Here Sadhguru perfectly describes very quickly his view.

Basically I would say, take responsibility and recognize, that your life is happening inside of you, but not outside of you. So you might see, that all what you experience, happens through the way you look at it. It is always you yourself creating everything happening in your life through your thoughts occuring emotions. Emotions are strong in your heart as you can feel. Our heart works like a magnet. It attracts circumstances around you resonating to your inner condition, the condition you just created with your thoughts. Those circumstances are there again the way you look at them and feel about them.

If you can accept this, you might want to see the ultimate truth, that there is nobody to blame for what happens to you, that there is no fault in life (fault is an unnatural term construction to put pressure on humans) and that there is only one truth in your own life: your own individual perception. Now you might accept the existence of the endless amount of individual perceptions, we have in this world not only by a single person, but in total by all humans at every moment.....

What does this help us in real life?

According to my experience it creates peace. Make peace in yourself to experience peace in the world. You attract peace, once you are peaceful and loving with yourself. Be every moment aware of where you are at, why you are there and what you are doing there as well as what surrounding are you creating. It is this you are meant to learn from in order to your personal growth, Every circumstance and person of your life is your mirror! Each one reflects to you your challenge, inner condition and puts you further on your path.

The more you become aware and conscious about your being in your surrounding, the more you get closer to yourself and find your true self as well as your meaning of life.

What does your true self to the world?

Again you create peace. If everybody lives his own self, which is deeply inside of each of us, everyone would recognise the true meaning of his life. Living the true meaning of our lives connects us again and makes us treat our surrounding with love - might mean something like respect, care, kindness - and includes the distance of staying within your own space, rather than entering the others' space by judging, assuming, suggesting, gossiping, chattering.

Accept everything to create peace - one by one

My personal benefit of inner peace is my health. If you staying within yourself and look at things as your creation, you realize accepting yourself as you are is the first act of selflove, which creates silence and peace inside of you. All stress symptoms, our ego creates, disappear with time you are practicing acceptance. Again, to change the world for its better, we only can change ourselves. One by one we reach out with our inner peace to the ones who resonate with our inner condition. And this is how the world becomes peaceful too, just one by one.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Why traveling around the world?

It is this question, I was faced by many times in the past years I traveled around the globe, and I was asked by family members and friends who live a stable home lifestyle. Funny, the WHY you do something I just was teaching yesterday at a private university in Berlin. Always question, why you do things and why you choose directions. The quick answer just comes from your heart - the home of your soul, who is the voice of your true self. When I teach "Follow your heart" in my entrepreneur concept "Happy Companies" it is this what I mean. Follow the straight voice coming out of your heart as this is the true direction you are meant to head to.

Why traveling the world and have no stable home anywhere? I have tried homes and still have an address in Berlin. But my calling is getting more demanding, louder and louder to finally leave this stagnation of a place, which makes me being attached to and always come back to. My inner voice is screaming to go out there and travel. So why is that? The anser came into my mind very low many times and I questioned it therefore. This morning again it came very clear to me: Travel to learn as much as you can for this life about the world, life elsewhere, places, ways, other living creatures and so on to understand to entire system of nature and probably the concept of good. Why I feel this calling, I only can guess at the present moment. All this knowledge, which is just personal experiences of a single individual soul out there is supposed to be used somewhere else in the future.

Don't we all feel this somehow, that we should gain experiences, walk through life and learn what we have to learn? Why certain things appeal so much to us, that we leave all rational circumstances behind us in order to follow this other important calling? We even might not know yet, where we are heading to and why we are doing that. We only know, our heart is guiding us there and we have to follow the voice of our soul.

Meanwhile I have learned to do this as my soul, which is my true self, knows its/my way best and more than that the WHY of a choice and direction. My mind will understand later at some some point and just has to learn to trust. Another issue I have not learned in my upbringing, culture and well organised western lifestyle system. Our mindset was: trusting is good, but have control is better. This is over!!! And a very unhealthy and dangerous view for us after all. It burries the calling, nature god is expressing through us as souls. It kills life at its roots and avoids us to grow healthy in order to connect us with this world, others, life, ourselves. We are meant to be connected to stand together in this world and to make it heal from its shadows.

So traveling around the world means: have almost no luggage best and no materialistic attachements. Be mobile and flexible to follow your calling. Dropping things is anyway very needed in this world as having things feeds the greedy wolf in us. We as a pure soul are do not need things to fulfill our mission, our purpose and meaning of life: sharing our experiences with others to give and receive, to keep up the natural life cycle of growth. We just need to unburry our true self and live our individual truth, why we are, who we need to be for fullfilling the why, so who we are and how we are being to do the why. Then we find quick, what we do with our lives that makes only sense for us - to bring our selves into this world for its global usage and natural growth.

My calling to travel the world is apparently not getting smaller. It is even growing bigger and getting clearer. I am teaching already at several places and through several channels. According to my personality aspects and individual life mixture I only can guess and feel already, that I am just meant to share my experiences while I am on the road to enrich others in this life to help them further on their paths, and who knows, where to pass this treasure box on later.

Whatever the reason why is at the end of the day, it is meant to be done. Being on the road is a calling as for others it might be the calling to grow kids or create stable systems. One need to identify the own inner voice and follow up. Thats all I have to say and underline. In my case my very sensitive heart keeps on telling me my directions meanwhile also in unpleasant ways. So its time to drop my minds constructions and just start walking this new level of my traveling lifestyle! Exciting!!

Sunday, May 07, 2017

After sunshine rain is falling

A week ago I packed my most necessary stuff together in one piece of luggage and squeezed my electronic equipment in my handluggage together with some long sleeve jumpers and socks. My trip from the Nature Island Dominica to cold Europe was ahead of me and liters of tears have been my companion during the past days as I leave my favorite warm place down at the Southern crator end of Dominica. Away from sweet slow daily schedule towards to stress and time tables did not appeal to me at all. Europe appears to me less and less as a good place to go after all my years of traveling plenty tropical regions around the world

However, this time once more I had choosen to give it another go, as the busy continent is still the place to fundraise quicker, than one can do in poorer countries such as Dominica is. As I see my trip just as a must, I gathered together what is needed and left left most of my things in Soufriere. This gives me already a little feeling of a home that awaits me after my return.

Home is not in Berlin anymore. Home is not in Germany anymore. I am an Alien in own country. I am an Alien even at many other places of the world. What I have been looking for on my trips over the years, it's slowly shaping up. A tropical home to live for the rest of my live in, where I am not always being chased by various unatural duties, that keep me busy and disconnect me terribly from myself and from my natural needs and individual life rhythm. Europe and especially Germany does that most of the time and I always was searching peace for myself since I was born into that system. But they don't let you have time for yourself in a world of jobs, insurances, rules, letters, school and work schedules! 

So, after over 9 years of serious traveling and searching I am now reaching a stage, where I can build up my home from new - the way i want it. In nature, self-determined within my own rhythm and with things to do, that I love to do! Having space and silence, being surrounded by a lush jungle, crisscrossed by plenty of water from 365 rivers, numerous hot springs and by having constant access to the warm ocean of the caribbean sea providing the home territory of our local spermwhales, I finally can listen to life and connect with myself.

Myself is everything what I have to give to this world. It is all I have to offer to make the world a better place to be. How would I do that, without knowing and feeling myself? How could I support my friends, partners and clients through being, with coaching or therapy, if I would not be myself as being disconnected? Impossible. All noise and distraction western lifestyle in EU, US or elsewhere have to offer, stresses, depresses, disgusts me today. I feel myself as crying sould as soon as reaching back into that world and facing a longer period of time being in it. This noisy world I see today as highly critical harm to all of us as it feeds the evil wolf in us wanting and pushing. It creates the opposite of peace and love. And the world, so we all, needs love most in order to be in peace.

Now here I am, in Berlin, even more clear about to be ready to go, than ever before. After all the sunshine in my natural paradise - and I mean sunshine as life circumstances coming with all the goods and bads, ups and downs, that hit one in a new cultural environment - rain is falling now in my heart, because I left this place. At this natural place its not singing through a pink cloud of happiness all day long either. No! Rather it is opeing up the mind, making to feel the heart with all its love and pain, making facing finally inner wounds, which the busy schedule world always covers with timetables and other distractions - it's making seeing and learning oneself sometimes very cruely - sometimes also pleasantly - often within hundreths of seconds to make one recognize and dissolve emotional blocks, that have been waiting for so long to surface. Where, if not in an unknown, pure natural environment, can you find yourself better - especially, when it is time?

So I found myself reaching out to a place called Dominica - which I chose in 2008 as my final destination - to go through all these steps for my own inner clearance! And I have been just started that stage of clearance last October 2016 - for myself, to see the amount of work still needed to be done and to learn the potential of this way to achieve my personal goals in order to even better being able to pass my work on to others who benefit from my work and experiences.

No, Dominica has not been only nice to me - or lets say people have not been; so it seemed at least to me. But we all know our own tendency of judging and so we might want to look onto things from different perspectives as well - especially within a complete different environment and culture...! This island taught me again many more times to embrace every little or bigger thing encountering my life and being grateful for them.

The island as natural paradise have been very pleasing to me with a big healing impact on me. At the same time the people often acted negatively, destructively, with dark motives underlaying - just the way they know life as a hard and limited thing to do. To me it appears as the opposite of nice, to them it might be normal lifestyle, which keeps them in their small minded places. However, even such experience can create a lot of positive understanding for ones clearing and healing process still. Firstly it is always constructive to learn something new, even evil lifestyles, as they open your horizont and mind for the shadows of humankind. As we all know, it is not only sunshine in life - it is obvious, that where is a lot of sunlight, there is a lot of shadow. And after sunshine rain is falling, especially in Dominica. In our village in rained so much, particularly after the negative energy of the people had been too active again. At those moments we welcomed the strong rain as washing machine...

Although I have been asking myself, why I would go back on that island after my difficult experiences there, as we all look for ease and happiness, right? But that is why. Ease and happiness cannot reach to one, as long as personal obstacles block the road. And so I know, I belong to the place for now to do my work, to research, to analyse, to learn, to see, to create and to pass all that on to the people who want to work with me.

I am looking forward to fly back to this island, appearing dark from its beautiful black sand, rain clouds and juicy green rich jungle as well as easy going habitants and natural life circumstances. I can't wait to learn more there, to deal with its potential and its special character. As not being superficial, I am attracted by the islands challenges besides the possibility to maybe find my place in nature for creating the life to live myself in peace and love.

In Dominica I am myself and being allowed to have my own space, time, rhythm and being. More than that I belive in its nature and its rich water resources, which both I integrate into my life and my work with people coming to me to find their ways as well. Dominica teaches balance. Through its nature we understand the natural circle and rhythm of life. Isn't it that, what we all need to find for our own healthy life in order to be able to heal the world from its evil aspects - just through each one of us?

If you try Dominica for a while, you might agree and want to live your natural life in balance - to learn, that after sunshine always rain falls for a good reason.

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Caribbean adventures - Dominica, West Indies!

My Dear friends,

I have been travelling the world - especially the tropics, because I can't stand cold, dark, rainy weather and just love crystal clear sea water - for 9 years now in a row. I love it! To be able to see and live in so many places its a bless. No money is worth more than what one can experience on those trips in many very different cultures. Never could I have seen so much beauty all over, when staying in my home in Berlin, Germany. So today I am writing to you from one of my favorite places in the world: Dominica, a mid sized island in the middle of the vulcanic island chain of the West Indies, Eastern Caribbean. I live here now for 5 months and know the place for 9 years.

Nothing more extreme I have ever experienced - landscape wise, culture wise and personally. This green jungle piece of rock in between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean just does what it wants. You must love it or leave it. Give it a try and bring loads of longterm patience with you, is my advice.

Roads, infrastructure, administration, people, weather request your flexibility and good understanding. Once you have openen your heart for tropical cultures besides just enjoying its beautiful sea and surroundings just, you start to wanna settle finally at your dream home. Everywhere in the world you will find goods and bads, craziness and beauty, happiness and sadness, traumas and high flying times, success and disaster, win and lost. We just find the places we are meant to be at those moments to gain the experiences, we are meant to gain at that stage.

Dominica was in my mind since 2008 and last October I came back to see, how it is when settleing. I am not the person really to settle anywhere as my drive to travel never stops. But somehow I think this very different place could give me a sunny base, from where I could operate my projects from. The Caribbean suits my need of ease and less time dependence. Reggae at night at the sea is great to enjoy while being surrounded by slow motion of locals. It gives space to just be and let be.

We are all meant to see the world, but not just sit home and pay bills. Our precious bills is given to us to go out there and see places in order to grow and become a better person for the planet. All the precious experiences are meant to be experienced as they build up our tool box to develop everything. I feel, travelling connects me with the world, the nature, myself - as being alone is for sure comeing along the road. Being with oneself might sometimes not be easy, but at other moments the best you can have - as you are 100% yourself. Be our bests is the key to make the world a better place as we all give our bests to it.

So, what Dominica now is for me, I am not entirely sure yet, as I am still in this hot tempered vulcano energy to realize what is going on. But one thing I can tell: It was worth it so far to live here and give it a try to settle with my next home base. Especially after all other countries I have lived in, Dominica appears still a bit unspoiled and natural in many aspects. It gives a lot I am looking for and just lets be. Its Nature is fantastic, its sea incredible as unknown internationally still, its vibes so backwards, that still there is space for creating new things for this place to grow positively and even as a role model for many other places. Dominica has got the chance to develop in a different way here in the Caribbean in order not to become a tourism spoiled island with lots of crime, but a pearl with special opportunities for souls who appreciate what is offers to its inhabitants.

I love this place, while it is challenging. But what is love without challenge?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Dominica nach 5 Monaten Aufenthalt - Ein Austausch gleicher Seelen

Zeit. Was ist Zeit? Zeit ist nicht real, wusste schon Einstein und wer weiß, wer noch. Zeit in Dominica ist mehr als im Überfluss vorhanden. Wo, wenn nicht hier, lernt der Ausländer besser Geduld? Dominica ist einfach da und ich als Einwanderin darf sie lernen, diese grüne Insel der Extreme. Sie kostet Nerven, viel Zeit und schmerzlich viel Geduld. Nichts ist selbstverständlich. Aussagen bedeuten nichts. Alles ist ständig im Fluss und nichts steht fest. Nichts scheint unter Kontrolle. Wie auch die Natur nicht kontrollierbar ist.

The Nature Island Dominica ist wie die Natur: stetig, jeden Moment im Wandel. So sind es auch ihre Bewohner. Kommunikation ist fließend und bedeutsam bedeutungslos. Stetigkeit und Festigkeit scheinen keine Existenzberechtigung zu haben - wie die Natur eben auch nie feststeht. Ist dieser Fluss der Grund, der mich auf die Insel geführt hat? Denn was Dominica mit uns macht, ist uns lehren, alle Erwartungen und Planungszwänge loszulassen und jeden Moment offen zu sein für Unerwartetes - einfach das Leben. Die Menschen nehmen die Dinge wie sie kommen und ich lerne, mein Bedürfnis nach Beständigkeit loszulassen. Obwohl ich das nie wollte. Doch die Natur hier lehrt es mich und ich muss mich beugen. Denn ich lebe hier. Es zeigt sich schon beim Busfahren. Den Fahrstil der Fahrer ändert niemand. Meine Wahl war die, ihn einfach fahren zu lassen und darauf zu vertrauen, dass ich auf dieser Fahrt nicht sterben werde. Inzwischen fahre ich einen eigenen Jeep und lebe immer noch.

Weitere Zeichen stellten sich im Lauf der vergangenen Monate ein: Ich hatte einige Lauferei, meine Arbeits- und Bleibegenehmigung zu erhalten. Dominica nimmt mich buchstäblich auseinander und ich lasse es aus einem mir unbekannten Grund - wohl durch meinen inneren Kompass - geschehen. Längst hätte ich ein einfacheres Leben wählen können. Z.B. in Mexico, wo sich viele meiner Freunde aufhalten und weniger Mühe haben als ich hier in einem Dritte-Welt-Land.

Doch etwas hält mich auf "meiner Insel". Eine feste Größe, von der ich immer dachte, dass es das Meer sei. Doch es erscheint mir noch viel mehr zu sein als das. Das Meer ist natürlich ein Muss für mein Zuhause. Doch es scheint, dass diese widerspenstige Insel mich hält, weil sie zu mir passt. Sie ist genauso dickköpfig, wie ich auch. Wie die Leute hier auch sind. Dominica fordert mich heraus und ich finde Mittel und Wege, diesen Hürden zu begegnen. Jeder sagt, wie schwer es hier ist. Doch andere Einwanderer haben auch ihren Platz hier gefunden. Mein Herz ist schwer in der Zwischenzeit und doch will ich Dominica auch in der nächsten Saison ihre Chance geben bzw. mir selbst auf ihr. Denn mir wird gesagt, dass es im zweiten Jahr leichter wird. Ich habe viel investiert in sie und bleibe daher auch auf meiner Spur hier. Was mein Herz auch weiterhin schwer macht, ist der Tot meines Katerbegleiters. Der kleine Marvin kam zu mir im November und gab mir viel Freude und ließ mich viel lachen. Er erfüllte mich mit dem Gefühl von Zuhause.

Doch nun ist er tot. Überfahren von einem ignoranten Autofahrer. Marvin begleitete mich nur für 3 Monate und war nicht einmal 5 Monate jung. Sein plötzlicher unerwarteter Tod brach mir das Herz und macht es seit letztem Dienstag schwer. Er war, wie ein Kind für mich, ein naher Freund, eine ähnliche Seele. Ich konnte ihn nicht schützen vor diesem Fahrer und hätte ihn nachts drinbehalten müssen. Doch er liebte seine Freiheit draußen zunehmend. Er war mir ähnlich und hatte sogar meine Augenfarbe. Er war sehr frech, verspielt, kämpferisch, voller Energie und Herzensfreude sowie voller Kraft und innerer Stärke und sehr widerspenstig. Ein großartiges Tier und die liebenswerteste Katzenseele überhaupt. Auch ihn darf ich loslassen lernen und hoffen, dass er mich in einem anderen Katzenkörper wieder findet.

Was kommt als nächstes, was ich loslassen soll? Nun, der tägliche Fluss wird es zeigen. Es ist wohl der beste Platz, um unabhängig leben zu lernen. Denn auch wenn alles zusammenbricht, wir haben hier immer Wasser und Nahrung direkt aus der Natur, die jeden von uns gut leben lässt. Auch wenn jemand alles verliert, kann er hier überleben.

Du kannst es so hinnehmen oder seinlassen. Jeder hat die Wahl. Ich lasse also auch das heimisch ökonomische Denken über Finanzenabsicherung, Preisvergleiche und beste Angebote los und schaue einfach, dass ich langfristig die richtige Wahl treffe, bzw. lasse eine innere Stimme mein Tun leiten. Dennoch mache ich diesen Deal trotzdem nicht, sondern lasse einen einheimischen Rückkehrer das Auto aus dem Zoll holen - wodurch wir locker 4000 US sparen....;-).

Dominica, Du bist ein schönes Miststück! Nein, die Menschen sind es mehr, als die Insel. Doch aus interkulturellen Studien wissen wir, dass Natur und Kultur Hand in Hand gehen. Und es gibt so einige Miststücke auf der Insel.... Trotzdem bleibt es schön hier!