Sunday, May 07, 2017

After sunshine rain is falling

A week ago I packed my most necessary stuff together in one piece of luggage and squeezed my electronic equipment in my handluggage together with some long sleeve jumpers and socks. My trip from the Nature Island Dominica to cold Europe was ahead of me and liters of tears have been my companion during the past days as I leave my favorite warm place down at the Southern crator end of Dominica. Away from sweet slow daily schedule towards to stress and time tables did not appeal to me at all. Europe appears to me less and less as a good place to go after all my years of traveling plenty tropical regions around the world

However, this time once more I had choosen to give it another go, as the busy continent is still the place to fundraise quicker, than one can do in poorer countries such as Dominica is. As I see my trip just as a must, I gathered together what is needed and left left most of my things in Soufriere. This gives me already a little feeling of a home that awaits me after my return.

Home is not in Berlin anymore. Home is not in Germany anymore. I am an Alien in own country. I am an Alien even at many other places of the world. What I have been looking for on my trips over the years, it's slowly shaping up. A tropical home to live for the rest of my live in, where I am not always being chased by various unatural duties, that keep me busy and disconnect me terribly from myself and from my natural needs and individual life rhythm. Europe and especially Germany does that most of the time and I always was searching peace for myself since I was born into that system. But they don't let you have time for yourself in a world of jobs, insurances, rules, letters, school and work schedules! 

So, after over 9 years of serious traveling and searching I am now reaching a stage, where I can build up my home from new - the way i want it. In nature, self-determined within my own rhythm and with things to do, that I love to do! Having space and silence, being surrounded by a lush jungle, crisscrossed by plenty of water from 365 rivers, numerous hot springs and by having constant access to the warm ocean of the caribbean sea providing the home territory of our local spermwhales, I finally can listen to life and connect with myself.

Myself is everything what I have to give to this world. It is all I have to offer to make the world a better place to be. How would I do that, without knowing and feeling myself? How could I support my friends, partners and clients through being, with coaching or therapy, if I would not be myself as being disconnected? Impossible. All noise and distraction western lifestyle in EU, US or elsewhere have to offer, stresses, depresses, disgusts me today. I feel myself as crying sould as soon as reaching back into that world and facing a longer period of time being in it. This noisy world I see today as highly critical harm to all of us as it feeds the evil wolf in us wanting and pushing. It creates the opposite of peace and love. And the world, so we all, needs love most in order to be in peace.

Now here I am, in Berlin, even more clear about to be ready to go, than ever before. After all the sunshine in my natural paradise - and I mean sunshine as life circumstances coming with all the goods and bads, ups and downs, that hit one in a new cultural environment - rain is falling now in my heart, because I left this place. At this natural place its not singing through a pink cloud of happiness all day long either. No! Rather it is opeing up the mind, making to feel the heart with all its love and pain, making facing finally inner wounds, which the busy schedule world always covers with timetables and other distractions - it's making seeing and learning oneself sometimes very cruely - sometimes also pleasantly - often within hundreths of seconds to make one recognize and dissolve emotional blocks, that have been waiting for so long to surface. Where, if not in an unknown, pure natural environment, can you find yourself better - especially, when it is time?

So I found myself reaching out to a place called Dominica - which I chose in 2008 as my final destination - to go through all these steps for my own inner clearance! And I have been just started that stage of clearance last October 2016 - for myself, to see the amount of work still needed to be done and to learn the potential of this way to achieve my personal goals in order to even better being able to pass my work on to others who benefit from my work and experiences.

No, Dominica has not been only nice to me - or lets say people have not been; so it seemed at least to me. But we all know our own tendency of judging and so we might want to look onto things from different perspectives as well - especially within a complete different environment and culture...! This island taught me again many more times to embrace every little or bigger thing encountering my life and being grateful for them.

The island as natural paradise have been very pleasing to me with a big healing impact on me. At the same time the people often acted negatively, destructively, with dark motives underlaying - just the way they know life as a hard and limited thing to do. To me it appears as the opposite of nice, to them it might be normal lifestyle, which keeps them in their small minded places. However, even such experience can create a lot of positive understanding for ones clearing and healing process still. Firstly it is always constructive to learn something new, even evil lifestyles, as they open your horizont and mind for the shadows of humankind. As we all know, it is not only sunshine in life - it is obvious, that where is a lot of sunlight, there is a lot of shadow. And after sunshine rain is falling, especially in Dominica. In our village in rained so much, particularly after the negative energy of the people had been too active again. At those moments we welcomed the strong rain as washing machine...

Although I have been asking myself, why I would go back on that island after my difficult experiences there, as we all look for ease and happiness, right? But that is why. Ease and happiness cannot reach to one, as long as personal obstacles block the road. And so I know, I belong to the place for now to do my work, to research, to analyse, to learn, to see, to create and to pass all that on to the people who want to work with me.

I am looking forward to fly back to this island, appearing dark from its beautiful black sand, rain clouds and juicy green rich jungle as well as easy going habitants and natural life circumstances. I can't wait to learn more there, to deal with its potential and its special character. As not being superficial, I am attracted by the islands challenges besides the possibility to maybe find my place in nature for creating the life to live myself in peace and love.

In Dominica I am myself and being allowed to have my own space, time, rhythm and being. More than that I belive in its nature and its rich water resources, which both I integrate into my life and my work with people coming to me to find their ways as well. Dominica teaches balance. Through its nature we understand the natural circle and rhythm of life. Isn't it that, what we all need to find for our own healthy life in order to be able to heal the world from its evil aspects - just through each one of us?

If you try Dominica for a while, you might agree and want to live your natural life in balance - to learn, that after sunshine always rain falls for a good reason.

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