Why traveling the world and have no stable home anywhere? I have tried homes and still have an address in Berlin. But my calling is getting more demanding, louder and louder to finally leave this stagnation of a place, which makes me being attached to and always come back to. My inner voice is screaming to go out there and travel. So why is that? The anser came into my mind very low many times and I questioned it therefore. This morning again it came very clear to me: Travel to learn as much as you can for this life about the world, life elsewhere, places, ways, other living creatures and so on to understand to entire system of nature and probably the concept of good. Why I feel this calling, I only can guess at the present moment. All this knowledge, which is just personal experiences of a single individual soul out there is supposed to be used somewhere else in the future.
Don't we all feel this somehow, that we should gain experiences, walk through life and learn what we have to learn? Why certain things appeal so much to us, that we leave all rational circumstances behind us in order to follow this other important calling? We even might not know yet, where we are heading to and why we are doing that. We only know, our heart is guiding us there and we have to follow the voice of our soul.
Meanwhile I have learned to do this as my soul, which is my true self, knows its/my way best and more than that the WHY of a choice and direction. My mind will understand later at some some point and just has to learn to trust. Another issue I have not learned in my upbringing, culture and well organised western lifestyle system. Our mindset was: trusting is good, but have control is better. This is over!!! And a very unhealthy and dangerous view for us after all. It burries the calling, nature god is expressing through us as souls. It kills life at its roots and avoids us to grow healthy in order to connect us with this world, others, life, ourselves. We are meant to be connected to stand together in this world and to make it heal from its shadows.
So traveling around the world means: have almost no luggage best and no materialistic attachements. Be mobile and flexible to follow your calling. Dropping things is anyway very needed in this world as having things feeds the greedy wolf in us. We as a pure soul are do not need things to fulfill our mission, our purpose and meaning of life: sharing our experiences with others to give and receive, to keep up the natural life cycle of growth. We just need to unburry our true self and live our individual truth, why we are, who we need to be for fullfilling the why, so who we are and how we are being to do the why. Then we find quick, what we do with our lives that makes only sense for us - to bring our selves into this world for its global usage and natural growth.
My calling to travel the world is apparently not getting smaller. It is even growing bigger and getting clearer. I am teaching already at several places and through several channels. According to my personality aspects and individual life mixture I only can guess and feel already, that I am just meant to share my experiences while I am on the road to enrich others in this life to help them further on their paths, and who knows, where to pass this treasure box on later.
Whatever the reason why is at the end of the day, it is meant to be done. Being on the road is a calling as for others it might be the calling to grow kids or create stable systems. One need to identify the own inner voice and follow up. Thats all I have to say and underline. In my case my very sensitive heart keeps on telling me my directions meanwhile also in unpleasant ways. So its time to drop my minds constructions and just start walking this new level of my traveling lifestyle! Exciting!!