Yes in my view, we are. We are meant to live as part of mother earth, as part of nature and complied with nature. We are meant to contribute our nature to earth's nature and grow what we eat. Likewise we are not meant to prey nature and take whatever we can.
When you reach out to your inner self and realize how your negative emotions are attached to your experiences and once you reprogram your experience by replacing it by a different experience, you feel how beautiful your emotion can become. Then you realize how positive you suddenly look into this world and towards other life such as humans, animals, plants - simply to all life on this planet. By changing our inner world we are able to change the outer world with our endless natural power of love.
And this is not a fairy taile. This is simply how nature functions. Look around how animals are connected in the wild, how they live together and how balanced they exist with nature around them. See how plants coexist and build symbioses to survive and grow in ideal partnerships. It all makes sense, if you take a closer look.
We humans have preyed the planet for such a long time - every single one of us as myself too - which made species extinct, rainforests being killed, the climate to change. The more artificial products and so called great achievements humanity created, the bigger its egos grew, the more our disconnection from nature took place, the more psychological and emotional diseases occured - the more we became disconnected from ourselves, from the love we are made of, which connects us with ourselves and others as well as with nature and so with all life.
Love for ourselves and so for any other living soul is burried under tons of anger, sadness, longings for ?, wonderings about, runnings away from, money chasings like an addiction, overwhelmings by news and negative views from others, lost thinking about the future or the past, suffering, suffering and suffering..... instead of facing our Now's and reconnect with inside to return to what we are meant to be: natural beings within the nature of mother earth.
Start to heal yourself. Start to feel yourself. Start to unburry your true Self! Learn your natural Self again and learn your true power, that spreads endless love into this world. Why endless?
As love returns multiple times to you so that you can spread even more.
When we heal ourselves - which means noadays simply becoming our true essence, our real core, our true being, the mixture of life energy we really are in this lifetime - we unlock our corresponding natural creativity, our true power, that we need for our growth and for the likewise growth of all life on the planet. We are meant to share what we have and what we create. We are meant to contribute before we take. We are meant to be who we are, before we do in this world. To be a loving part of a healthy growing world.
What the reality is, if this is not the case, we currently see all over the place more than we see the light and love growing next to the darkness. We still prefer destructive news from the uplifting messages showing that loving humanity is acting also all over the place.
It is all about our personal focus.
As for my personal part, I chose for now a nature island named Dominica to continue my mission and focus on my Self towards becoming the real Self I am actually being in this lifetime. Facing all darkness and light inside as well as outside on this island and transforming barriers, blocks, disconnection into connection, support and love.
With a positive inside my channels to contribute the same to others to support you on your path to become love and connecting are open and therefore ready to receive the energy in different shapes of abundance back as its going in a circle naturally.
This circle creates a happy life and unlocks even more creating energy towards a supportive loving surrounding. It also attracts that energy from all corners of the planet and so we all are connected and meet in person or online to feel, that the positive change is just happening.
It all starts with your Self!
While we are working on ourselves, we already are consciously supporting our environment on many levels. Through action, words, feelings. To humans, plants, the sea, animals. As we transform we automatically transform our environment even through the internet far away. How? Through our own "antennas and personal server system": Our heart and senses.
Our heart is our life headquarters and spreads out energy far and far and so attract that energy from far and far. This is how we connect. Our senses, bodycells, nervous system, all together our gut instinct, security officer mind and our entire body system receives and spreads out messages constantly. And so we experience what we have been focusing on.
Life happens within our Selves!
We create our own lives and therefore how we see the world. Through experiences and the meaning our mind gave those experiences and the attached emotions to the meanings. This is what guides us mostly unconsciously through life. The more we become conscious and remove old believe systems to change our experienced emotions, the more we heal and become our Selves: the loving and connecting Selves. This is all, what I feel, is our mission in life. And so its my mission too.
Better get started now and join the contributing tribe that gives love to mother earth instead of pain. Human kind needs earth to live. It is our home. How can we destroy our home? Where are we going to live?