My Dear friends,

I have been travelling the world - especially the tropics, because I can't stand cold, dark, rainy weather and just love crystal clear sea water - for 9 years now in a row. I love it! To be able to see and live in so many places its a bless. No money is worth more than what one can experience on those trips in many very different cultures. Never could I have seen so much beauty all over, when staying in my home in Berlin, Germany. So today I am writing to you from one of my favorite places in the world: Dominica, a mid sized island in the middle of the vulcanic island chain of the West Indies, Eastern Caribbean. I live here now for 5 months and know the place for 9 years.

Nothing more extreme I have ever experienced - landscape wise, culture wise and personally. This green jungle piece of rock in between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean just does what it wants. You must love it or leave it. Give it a try and bring loads of longterm patience with you, is my advice.

Roads, infrastructure, administration, people, weather request your flexibility and good understanding. Once you have openen your heart for tropical cultures besides just enjoying its beautiful sea and surroundings just, you start to wanna settle finally at your dream home. Everywhere in the world you will find goods and bads, craziness and beauty, happiness and sadness, traumas and high flying times, success and disaster, win and lost. We just find the places we are meant to be at those moments to gain the experiences, we are meant to gain at that stage.
Dominica was in my mind since 2008 and last October I came back to see, how it is when settleing. I am not the person really to settle anywhere as my drive to travel never stops. But somehow I think this very different place could give me a sunny base, from where I could operate my projects from. The Caribbean suits my need of ease and less time dependence. Reggae at night at the sea is great to enjoy while being surrounded by slow motion of locals. It gives space to just be and let be.

We are all meant to see the world, but not just sit home and pay bills. Our precious bills is given to us to go out there and see places in order to grow and become a better person for the planet. All the precious experiences are meant to be experienced as they build up our tool box to develop everything. I feel, travelling connects me with the world, the nature, myself - as being alone is for sure comeing along the road. Being with oneself might sometimes not be easy, but at other moments the best you can have - as you are 100% yourself. Be our bests is the key to make the world a better place as we all give our bests to it.

So, what Dominica now is for me, I am not entirely sure yet, as I am still in this hot tempered vulcano energy to realize what is going on. But one thing I can tell: It was worth it so far to live here and give it a try to settle with my next home base. Especially after all other countries I have lived in, Dominica appears still a bit unspoiled and natural in many aspects. It gives a lot I am looking for and just lets be. Its Nature is fantastic, its sea incredible as unknown internationally still, its vibes so backwards, that still there is space for creating new things for this place to grow positively and even as a role model for many other places. Dominica has got the chance to develop in a different way here in the Caribbean in order not to become a tourism spoiled island with lots of crime, but a pearl with special opportunities for souls who appreciate what is offers to its inhabitants.

I love this place, while it is challenging. But what is love without challenge?